Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's a bird! It's a plane!'s just Obama.

If you've watched any of the election coverage on television, you know that the media is biased toward one of the candidates. I'm willing to bet that you can tell me which one it is, too.

Barack Hussein Obama. You've undoubtedly heard this name hundreds and hundreds of times since he announced his presidential campaign. I remember hearing the name even before his candidacy. And chances are, you've heard a positive message along with Obama's name most of the time.

John Sidney McCain. The chances that you've heard his full name are lower. Because of the media bias that envelopes the news waves, you've probably heard words like "old" and "Bush" along with the name McCain.

Obama has mystified the United States, and apparently the media as well. He's become the golden child of the left, the messiah for the masses of people that believe he will bring about change. He's a downright media darling next to John McCain.

But Obama has received some bad press; he has been accused of hanging out with terrorists. That wording sounds harsh, but William Ayers is described as a domestic terrorist. He participated in the bombings of the New York City Police Headquarters, the United States Capitol building and The Pentagon. But none of Obama’s supporters seem to care. A few months ago, Obama was also under attack for his ties with his radical pastor Jeremiah Wright. Again, liberals brushed it off as nothing. Perhaps it is not fair to link Obama with a man who participated in radical terrorist activities almost 40 years ago or a pastor whose radical sermons didn't exactly concern Obama. But it bothers me that no one is stopping to investigate this, or at the very least consider the fact that Obama may not be all he’s cracked up to be. The company you keep says a lot about who you are.

It seems like Obama can do no wrong in some eyes and the media propagates that daily. Fox News is the only exception I have seen, clearly advertising for McCain. But they are also in the wrong; news should be objective. Voters should decide for themselves. After researching the candidate, of course.

Journalism today is definitely biased. Networks lean either left or right, making no effort to cover it up. Voters are looking to be informed when they tune into the news; instead, they are being smacked with an agenda. And from what I have seen, most of the time that agenda starts with an O.

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