Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Voting Virgin

Today I lost my virginity.

No, not that virginity.

I’m talking about my virginity when it comes to voting. For the first time ever, I voted for the President of the United States of America. It felt amazing to cast my ballot and take part in something bigger than myself. More importantly, I felt good about my decision. For me, it was a no-brainer to vote for who I voted for. I voted for someone who has fought for me to keep the freedoms I have and the right I have to even vote at all.

The democratic process of voting is something that people have fought for since the birth of America. I can’t imagine not being able to vote simply because I am a woman. And today’s voting is getting hi-tech; I voted via touch screen, which was pretty cool. That’s right Florida, no more hanging chads.

The most patriotic thing a person can do is to get out and vote on Tuesday. You have the right to choose, so choose wisely. Do your research. Don’t vote for someone just because everyone else is. Stand out, make a stand, have a voice, yaddah yaddah.

In the 2004 election, I was too young to vote. My birthday was only a week or so after the election, and I was pretty bummed. Looking back, I really had no clue who I would have voted for. I wasn’t passionate about George Bush or John Kerry. It was like the lesser of two evils. Today, I knew who I wanted to vote for. I want the fate of our country to be left in the hands of someone who has fought and nearly died for it.

I voted for John McCain. Who will you vote for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i voted for Barack. I Baracked the vote!