Monday, November 3, 2008

The Campaign Catwalk

There’s no question that this election has gotten out of hand. In past elections, candidates’ experience, education and stances on issues have been analyzed, scrutinized and overblown.

In this election, it’s dress to impress.

Thanks to vast media coverage of the presidential election, the candidates are constantly under pressure to not only sound good but to also look good. In my opinion, it is a good thing to look presentable at all times. But it seems like the candidates are being judged based on their fashion sense.

Governor Sarah Palin’s $150,000 wardrobe was under fire last week. The Democrats, as they are frequently known for their ability to make a fuss over nothing, had a field day with this. Palin confirmed that the clothes were not hers and were auctioned off after she wore them. What’s more, the wardrobe was financed by the Republic Party, not the American people. What’s the big deal? I’m sure Obama doesn’t buy his suits from Wal-Mart.

Before her expensive wardrobe was purchased, Palin was criticized for wearing “plain” and “dull” outfits. Now that she has more fashionable clothes to wear on the campaign trail, she is criticized for wearing clothes that are too expensive. I think Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman who looks excellent not only for her age but also considering that she’s had five kids, including Trig who was just born in April.

Not to mention Palin’s outfits blow Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits out of the water. This slideshow from Newsweek details Palin’s looks and guesses how much the various pieces cost:

Even the men are being criticized when it comes to wardrobe choices. Or, in some cases, their choice of neckwear. An article from Newsweek analyzes the candidates’ ties, saying that the knots they choose tell a lot about who they are. McCain’s Windsor knot, according to the article, conveys an elite image. Obama’s four-in-hand knot is more common, therefore sending a message that he is the quintessential “every man.” (Here is a link to the Newsweek article:

Yet another feature from Newsweek has fashion guru Tim Gunn of Project Runway fame criticizing the candidates’ looks. Not surprisingly, he seems to favor the Democrat’s looks over the GOP’s. Imagine that. He calls Palin’s outfits “schizophrenic” and isn’t a fan of McCain’s distinguished sweater with a crisp dress shirt underneath. And he completely ignores Cindy McCain’s adorable pink tweed skirt and blazer. But he likes Nancy Pelosi’s look, calling her the “most fashionable woman in all of Washington.” Please. I’m not a fashion expert (who can compete with a fashionable gay man?) but Tim seems to have a bit of a Democratic crush. Of course, Obama and Biden get kudos for their clothing as well as Michelle Obama, who I admit is a very fashionable woman.
(Here’s a link to Tim’s Democratic Love-Fest. Just kidding. Or not.

In fact, I really think that all of the candidates are stylish. And they should be, as I’m sure they have plenty of campaign advisors telling them what (and what not) to wear. I guess what bothers me about fashion and the campaign trail is that it turns it into a sort of red carpet gala instead of a serious turning point for our country. Okay, I admit it’s fun to see what they wear and it’s important to look good. But you shouldn’t decide on a candidate because of what they wear, and there are more important issues to focus on.

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