Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Drama

After more than a year of campaigning, the day that we’ve all been waiting for has arrived: November 4th, AKA Election Day 2008.

Tonight most of America will be glued to their televisions to see who the next president will be. It’s too close to call at this point. One thing that is for sure is the fact that whoever is elected will have a lot on their plate, the economy and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq being just a couple of concerns they will have to face.

Another thing we can be sure of is that this will be an election to remember. As we watch the election results unfold throughout the night, we will also be witnessing history. If elected, Obama would be the first black president, while Sarah Palin would be the first female vice president if McCain is elected.

I’m impressed by the passion that this election is evoking. Young people are truly interested in politics. You can tell by simply logging on to the ever-present Facebook, where people have donated their statuses to telling their friends to get out and vote for (insert desired candidate here.) But it’s not just young people who are interested. Record poll numbers across the country have been reported today, along with record early voter turnout.

While many will be glad when the election is over, I will be a little sad. It’s almost like the day after Christmas.

Whatever the outcome, this election will be one for the history books.

1 comment:

Matt DeRycke said...

man look at you...you are one badass blogger lol